Here is a small selection of photos taken at our reception. We placed disposable cameras at every table and invited everyone to
take photos to help us remember our special day. Most of these photos were taken by the disposables and some were taken by Rob - who very kindly sent them all via email !
Here are some of Tim's family. That's Tracey, Sue and Trish (his three sisters) and our niece Maih with her mum Nofar.
Nofar is married to Tim's brother Andrew, who you can see in the photo below!
Andrew was one of our ushers and he did a sterling job on the day. He directed cars into the car park, held the umbrellas when the rain stared falling, collected the cameras at the end of the evening and a multitude of other tasks far too numerous to mention. So thank you Andrew !
( NEWSFLASH !!!! Andrew and Nofar had another little daughter on 7th April 2001 and her name is Kelly. So CONGRATULATIONS to them !! )
Our other usher was Jodie's mate Wilson, who we all love dearly. He too, did a wonderful job at the wedding. He had a bit of a panic in the house beforehand because he'd forgotten how to tie the laces of his highland outfit shoes
properly (it's quite complicated !) and no-one seemed to have a moment to spare to show him how. Never mind, he got there in the end and here he is, relaxing with beer in hand!
Here are two pics of our friends Andrew and Fiona, who both looked fabby.

Here's Shanne and Gordon, who, if you've seen my page about our friends,
you'll have met before.
A quick word of thanks to Gordon for taking a moment to sign my guestbook on one of his visits to this page!
This is Peter with Ainsley and her husband Ian. Up till about two months ago,
Peter had long hair, which came halfway down his back. He surprised all of us by appearing one day with his head shaved! It took a moment to get used to, but I think he really suits it short now.
Maih and Cameron were both only 21 months old and they behaved themselves beautifully
all day. They love to cuddle each other, which is so sweet! They don't see each other too often because Cameron stays here in Fraserburgh and Maih is in Northampton.
Here's Rob - the ladies man !! He's with Sue on the left and he's holding Kali on the right. He confessed he'd like to take Kali home with him because she's so adorable....awwwww !
Things got a bit silly later on...........

...... Erm..... better not to ask, I think !
 Finally, this is the best picture taken on the day. We were having our first look of the photos and this one was SO
unexpected ! I just love it - it's so funny. Andrew's on the left, then Rob and lastly, Ian.
Well, I hope you enjoyed having a look at some of our guests. There were many other pictures taken, but I can't put them all on this page - much as I'd like to ! To go to another page, click on any of the links below.
If you haven't already done so, could you please spare a couple of minutes to
sign my Guestbook ? It's under the list of links below. I love to read your messages ! Thank you so much.