I had three grown-up children, but tragically,
my son died in 2001.
His name was Craig, and he was only 25 years old. He lived in town only two miles from where we live, so I got to see him every single day. Here's an old-ish photo of him.
As you can see, he had red hair (although it got to be MUCH longer), brown eyes and I thought
that he was just gorgeous ! He was 6ft 5ins tall and was Scottish Schools High Jump Champion a few years ago. He had a natural talent for it, borne out by the fact that he hardly ever trained, and yet was able to jump so well !
Sadly, he never followed it up after leaving school, but formed a rock band called "White Deth" instead. He was a very
talented bass player, taking second place in a guitar competition held in Aberdeen a few years back.
White Deth were great and they gigged locally for a couple of years till they broke up.
Craig was always recording his own compositions on his little four-track. It was what he loved doing. Some of the songs which he wrote
were very beautiful and I shall treasure them always.
My elder daughter is Kerry and she will be 24 years old in May 2002. She met Simon at school when
they were both only 13, then got engaged on Simon's 16th birthday, when Kerry was still only 15 ! Even though they were so young, I never had any doubts about them together. They are SO perfectly matched and Simon is
the most fantastic guy. They got married in July 1996 when they were both 18. Here's a picture of them on their wedding day. Beautiful, or what?
They now have four gorgeous, adorable children of their own. Their son, Cameron who was born in October 1998, their daughter Kali, born in February 2000, their second daughter Aaliyah, who was born in October 2001 and finally their new daughter Saffron, who was born 0n 17th May 2003. Tim and I are the typical doting
Grandparents and spoil them rotten ! But we just love them SO much. Here they are...
Last, but by no means least, is my younger daughter, Jodie. She was 21 years old on the 1st March 2002, has long, long red hair, green eyes and is
6ft 2ins tall !
She has just moved back to Fraserburgh after living in Aberdeen for two years. She is sharing a house with her best friend, Joanne, and it's wonderful to have them
back here again because it means I can see her every day if I want to. She has worked as a model, both photographic and catwalk and if you look at her picture, I'm sure you can see why !
On her 21st Birthday, we held a surprise party for her with a "60's" theme. Everyone made the effort to dress up in 60's gear and we all had a fantastic time.
If you want to see some pictures of the party, simply click on the link below !
Here's one of
Jodie and her very dear friend Wilson. It was taken a couple of years ago, just as they were about to leave to go to the wedding of one of their friends.
What all my children and I have in common, are tattoos
and piercings ! If you click on the "Tattoos" and the "Our Piercings" links below, you'll be able to see some of our artwork and some unusual piercings.
Could I ask you to please take a couple of minutes to sign my
Guestbook, if you haven't done so already ? It's under the list of links below. Thank you very much - I really appreciate your messages.