Knock Knock!
Our Friends

On this page, you'll meet some of our friends.

Everyone has friends. Let me introduce you to some of ours. They are all special people and Tim and I value their friendship deeply. Mind you, they'd HAVE to be special to put up with us!! I think we're all just a little bit on the mad side, as you'll probably see from some of these photos !

Drunken Yobs!!

Here are some of us in our local pub - The Brewers. It's actually called The Castle Bar, but everyone calls it the Brewers. This pic was taken on Hogmanay 1999, with just a couple of hours to go to the new Millenium. From the left, there's Peter (Tim's best mate, who was also the Best Man at our wedding), Shanne (our lovely traffic warden!), Lizzie, (sweet Lizzie, my son-in-law's sister), Andrew (wannabe Hell's Angel!), Trish (Tim's sister, who came up from Northampton to experience her very first Scottish new year and I don't think she's been quite the same since!), Liz (Lizzie's mummy) and finally Tim (my darling husband).

Celebrating the Millenium

Here's Tim, Trish and Peter, taken on the stroke of midnight....well, it might have been a couple minutes past actually. On the stroke of midnight, we were all snogging each other and wishing all and sundry a Happy New Year! This photo was taken in the Fraserburgh equivalent of Trafalgar Square....The Broadgate, where every New Year, a few thousand hardy locals gather to imbibe and make merry.
As is our custom, the following night, we had a big party in our house - here are some of the photos.....

Party Guests Kate

On the left, there's Gordon, Trish and Andrew, getting chummy. This was quite early in the evening and we were still all relatively sober. On the right, is Kate - the life and soul of any party!

Craig and Joanne
And here is my son Craig with Joanne, who is Jodie's bestest mate. Craig looks shattered, which is hardly surprising because this pic was taken at around 2.00am and they'd been playing poker for high stakes (actually matchsticks!) for hours. How Joanne managed to look so fresh is beyond me!


Here's our very good pal Shanne! While the rest of us were boozing away like there's no tomorrow, here's our Shanne with her mug of Earl Grey!
I've got more pics of the party, but I haven't got them uploaded yet, so check back soon.

80's Party

Here we are in fancy dress at an "80's" party. Tim, Jodie and I dressed as the Ghostbusters. If Jodie is unrecognisable, it's because she's got her long, red hair hidden beneath a short, black wig ! Next to her is Lizzie, who was an 80's-type tart and next to her, is Andrew, who looked great as Snake Plisken (from Escape from New York)! In the pink wig, is Shanne dressed as an 80's trendy, complete with straw hat! Then there's Tim - looking great as always, and finally Peter, who I'm sure you realise, was Vivian from the Young Ones ! Everyone should attend one of Peter's parties, he makes the most potent punch known to man. It tastes jolly nice too !!

Motley Crew!

Here we are back in our natural habitat.....the pub! This one is called "The Ship". See how many of us you can recognise now ! On the extreme right, is Rob. If you've read the page about Tim and I, you'll know the name. He's one of the first people Jodie and I talked to online - Rob introduced Jodie to Tim - and the rest is history. Rob's a very good real-life friend now and he's been up to visit us quite a few times. I don't think he was quite prepared for the madness and mayhem of our normal Saturday nights out !

My hen-night

Finally, for now, here's one of the many pics taken on Saturday 17th June 2000....My Hen-Night! My two daughters, Kerry and Jodie did all the organisation and they decided that I'd be a learner bride (!) and all the other girls would be dressed as tarts!! That's Joanne on the left, then her sister Kerry, followed by my daughter Jodie (in blonde wig this time !), then yours truly (don't I look fetching!), and lastly, my daughter Kerry. We had a great night out and got really, REALLY plastered. But, hey, that's what you're supposed to do on hen nights. If you click on the "MY HEN NIGHT" link below, you can see more pics of our great night out!

Well, now you've met most of our mates. You can meet some more of them by visiting some of the links below.
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Links to my Pages
Back to Main Page Our Wedding Day
The Love of my Life Our Guests
My Children Dedicated to Cheese
Tattoos Spooky Stuff
Our Piercings Belfast Tattoo Convention
My Home Town Scuba Diving
My Home Town 2 Jodie's Party
My Hen Night Cthulhu Live

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